Saturday, March 24, 2007

Request to increase fees at US Airports

With regard to my previous viewpoint on departure fees at airports, this article has come out on the USA Today website (

It looks like the days of ever increasing passenger service fees are here to stay. Aagh!!

Got US$200,000 burning in your pocket?

According to Fodor's Travel Wire, which I am now accessing with the help of a RSS aggregator, tickets are now on sale for sub-orbital space flights on Richard Branson's new "Virgin Galactic" airline. These flights are due to launch in 2008.

What's the cost? A cool US$200,000. (

My question is, "Why would you want to fly into space?" I've been on a ride at EPCOT in Florida called 'Mission Space'. This ride simulated the experience that you would feel if you were taking off in a space shuttle. Personally, it made me feel sick and I hated the ride.

Still, I guess there is a market. I just won't be one of the first customers!

Air New Zealand's Business Premier Class

Back in 2005, I got to travel in Air New Zealand's new Business Premier Class. ( I was impressed.

It does feel a bit different from a regular seat in that you don't face the front of the plane. The seat is on an angle.

Some of the features that I loved were:
* Having an ottoman to rest your feet on. This ottoman can also be used as a seat by a travelling companion so that you can dine at the table that comes up in the middle. This would also be great for face-to-face meetings.
* The pop-out personal television screen and control were easy to use and this was a fun way to spend the time.
* The seats fold down to completely flat when you want to rest which is very cool.
* The little areas for putting drinks, newspapers, reading material etc.
* Being able to take-off and land in a reclined seat position if you wish.

I would give Air New Zealand a strong 9/10 for their Business Premier product. Why not give it a go?

NZ$25.00 departure tax at Auckland Airport

There have been lots of comments on the website about people disliking Auckland Airport because you have to pay your NZ$25.00 departure tax directly at the airport rather than having it included on the ticket.

Sure this might be an inconvenience, but let's face it - at least the cost is reasonable. Other airports around the world charge well over $100.00. These are labelled as 'Passenger Service Charges', 'Terminal Improvement Charges' or 'Airport Development Tax' etc. At Sydney Airport, you even have to pay a noise tax when you arrive at the airport. This is because the airport has residential areas nearby and they complained about the noise.

Living in Auckland, I'm perfectly happy to pay the NZ$25.00 departure tax. They take payment by EFTPOS or Credit Card if you don't have the cash. As long as the cost is that minimal, it's fine with me.